Office: 603-485-3933 | Sales: 603-210-0128

When Should You Replace the Roof on a Rental Property

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What is a Snow Guard (and should you have one?)

If you have a metal roof and live in northern climes, a big part of its job is to prevent heavy snow and ice pack from building up, and to protect you from the dangers of climbing up there all the time with a snow rake. A metal roof does this by the nature of its smooth surface, which causes the snow to slide off.

At the same time, a snow guard may be necessary to retain the snow and ice so it doesn’t “avalanche” from one surface to another—impacting property and landscaping or even injuring people and pets below. A snow guard is built to separate accumulating snow and ice into smaller sections, reducing chances for damage when thawing begins. It works equally well on shingled roofs as well.

If you need a snow guard, or you’re planning on getting a new roof, ask your contractor about a snow guard, or give us a call.