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When Should You Replace the Roof on a Rental Property

Roof replacement is one of the biggest expenses on a...

Home Renovating Mistakes to Avoid

Most experts recommend renovating your home every 15 or 20...

Preventing Contractor Fraud

When we are talking about major home improvements, there can...


Can You Actually Paint Vinyl Siding?

Siding is forever, right? At least that’s what it’s engineered to be—or close to it. It’s designed to be maintenance-free, and we’re not supposed to be concerned about the cost of painting every few years. But what if you decide to change the look of your siding? Experts say it can be done if a few key rules are followed:

    Make sure painting won’t void the manufacturer’s warranty;
    Vinyl siding is designed for a specific amount of heat absorption. As dark colors tend to absorb more heat, be sure to choose a color that is not darker than the original color. Many paint manufacturers offer a line of “vinyl-safe” colors;
    Vinyl siding is installed to slide back and forth to accommodate weather-related expansion and contraction. If you paint, this may result in a slight color gap at the seams in cold weather;
    Investigate the use of primer, which some experts believe is always necessary and some go by the condition of the siding.