Office: 603-485-3933 | Sales: 603-210-0128

When Should You Replace the Roof on a Rental Property

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New Roofs in Biddeford & Saco Maine

Got a roof in Saco or Biddeford? Most people do, and when Saco & Biddeford homeowners think about a new roof or roofing replacement, NH Exteriors’ roofing contractors are on the front lines.


Whether you spend your summer days at Funtown Splashtown USA, Ferry Beach or inhaling the ice cream at Sweetcream Dairy (or all three!), in Maine winter comes early and restoring your roof can’t happen soon enough. But not to worry: we work and install year ’round.


Types of Roofs:


Confused about the advantages of metal vs. asphalt? Have insurance claims questions? A quick call immediately puts you at ease. We’ve been awarded the prestigious  Master Elite™ Roofing Contractor certification by GAF (the nation’s largest roofing manufacturer), also garnering a longstanding A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. Our continuing track record includes 15,000+ New England-based installations since 1992.


If your Saco or Biddeford home needs a new roof, or you’re just looking for a competitive quote, why not call New England’s genuinely experienced roofing company today at 603-210-0128 to schedule a free, no obligation quotation. We serve all of southern Maine, including Saco & Biddeford.  See what a larger company’s purchasing power can do for you!